Inspired by music and stories, children immerse themselves in different worlds in order to express themselves through dance.

Contemporary for kids (7+)

with Sarah Haack  

TUE 15:00 - 16:00 | Kids and young dancers

Try out classes are possible from 25th of february.

Inspired by music and stories, children immerse themselves in different worlds in order to express themselves through dance. They improvise to predetermined structures, dance freely and move in different constellations through the room. Various approaches from modern and contemporary dance promote creativity, develop a body awareness and strengthen the personality.


Price info

Course ticket 1 (1 course / week): 46 € / red. 40 € / up to 19 yrs 34 € monthly
Course card 2
(2 courses / week): 69 € / red. 57 € / up to 19 yrs 46 € monthly
Course card 3+
(as many courses as you like): 80 € / red. 69 € / up to 19 yrs 57 € monthly
10 course card
(4 months, all courses): 149 € / red. 129 € / up to 19 yrs. 99 €
Tryout session:
7 €
Registration at Studiohaus. Download registration form.
