
Contemporary for Kids (9+)

with Sarah Haack  

TUE 16:00 - 17:00 | Kids and young dancers

Due to a change of teacher, test lessons will not take place again until February.

The joy of movement, creativity, sensitization and awareness of one's own body are the starting points of this course. The aim is to teach the children a colorful bouquet of skills and abilities. These include body awareness, coordination, spatial orientation, strength, mobility and musical sensitivity. In addition to dance technique, which is stylistically based on modern dance, there is also plenty of room for improvisation, expression and imagination. Dynamic, energetic as well as concentrated and flowing movements allow creativity to unfold freely and the children to dance through different qualities. In her way of working, Serja attaches great importance to a loving approach and clear communication with the pupils. Each child should be recognized individually as well as part of the group.


Price info

Course ticket 1 (1 course / week): 46 € / red. 40 € / up to 19 yrs 34 € monthly
Course card 2
(2 courses / week): 69 € / red. 57 € / up to 19 yrs 46 € monthly
Course card 3+
(as many courses as you like): 80 € / red. 69 € / up to 19 yrs 57 € monthly
10 course card
(4 months, all courses): 149 € / red. 129 € / up to 19 yrs. 99 €
Tryout session:
7 €
Registration at Studiohaus. Download registration form.
