This workshop series is for all people who would like to consciously dedicate themselves to their body with the help of mindfulness. Experience with movement is not necessary.
Partnerwork and Contact are part of the workshop.
When we consciously look at the physical body, we can dive even deeper into its world. We get away from thinking and into feeling. Through visualisation, self-touch and partner work, the body and its function are rediscovered and explored further. Through the joy of movement and curiosity of enquiry, an individual dance emerges naturally and intuitively.
The workshop series consists of four parts, which can be attended as one unit but also individually:
Part 1 (18.02.): Presence and Grounding
The focus in this part is on the breath. The pulsating movement that is always there through the process of inhaling and exhaling creates a basis for further movements and guides the body. The work of the lungs and diaphragm is addressed and the connection to the floor is explored.
Part 2 (18.03.): Aliveness and Vitality
Individual parts of the body are explored in detail. This is a movement research within the physical structures. Bones and muscles are the focus. Through self-touch and working with a partner they become more accessible and tangible.
Part 3 (22.04.): Lightness and flow
Different qualities in movement are explored. The volume of the body and its connection to the space outside becomes a theme. This is created by focusing on the skin and the extremities.
Part 4 (13.05.): Balance and stillness
An integrative part that strives for harmony and stillness in the body. The senses are addressed and deceleration is invited. Through the exploration of slowness in movement and subsequent deep relaxation, a meditative experience is created.