
Audio Description Training

with Jess Curtis (Berlin/San Francisco)  

12 – 13 Sep 2020 | Festival Kunst und Klima 2020Visual theatre

Audio description (AD) enables visually disabled people to access visual elements - movement, costumes, scenery, gestures, facial expressions, objects and other visually communicative elements - of a theatre, dance or live performance, TV/film screening and museum exhibition. AD is usually a live audio track, spoken by a professional audio describer via a wireless headset system. It provides clear and appealing descriptions of significant visual details of a performance that would otherwise be inaccessible to a visually impaired audience. With Jess Curtis, the participants can practice improvised descriptions of live performances in real time without a given script and experience the reception of art "with different eyes".
The studio is accessible without barriers. People of all abilities are welcome and cordially invited.


Price info Register

Price: 20 €
