
Spinnen (6+) – Looking for dancing kids!

explore dance – Dance for young audiences / TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund | with deufert&plischke (Berlin)  

18 Jan 2020 | Made in Potsdam 2020Kids and young dancers

spinnen is a piece choreographed by and for children. Stories, memories, thoughts and meanings around garments let the actors wander through space with their bodies and senses. In order to stage the piece anew, children from the age of 9 are sought who want to spin stories, movements and thoughts together. The performance will take place the day after the workshop at Kunstraum Potsdam.

spinnen was choreographed in November 2019 together with children from the Freie Schule Potsdam and performed in various Potsdam schools. As part of the Made in Potsdam Festival, the piece will be adapted with other children for the first time.

The works of the artist twin deufert&plischke reach beyond dance and theatre and deal with individual participation and social everyday life in artistic events.

Info & registration: jeanne.chapy@fabrikpotsdam.de


Price info

Free admission.
