Children and adults who enjoy spending time in nature are invited to meet up in the forest and playfully explore their surroundings. Lukas teaches basic techniques for safely and creatively organising challenges and developing games together. The focus is on the joy of physical movement and group interaction. Later, the families are given individual tasks that they can solve individually and together. Lukas Schapp is a co-owner of the Potsdam in Bewegung Academy. His work focuses on teaching ADD – Art du Déplacement, the art of movement, and other alternative movement concepts. He offers courses and workshops in various disciplines, including ADD, Slackline, or Movement Naturelle for different age groups.
JT 02: Bewegung Naturelle (8+) (up to 4 people)
For adults and kids from age 8 | with Lukas Schapp (Potsdam)
Price info Register
40 € / red. 35 €
Early Bird (by 31.03.): 35 € / red. 30 €