
WS 02: Imagine Home

with Michal Hirsch (Tel Aviv/Berlin)  

13 – 15 May 2025 | Potsdamer Tanztage 2025Dance and movement#Improvisation & free movement

Michal Hirsch invites participants to bring memories, images, and fantasies of "home" to the workshop. These serve as a framework for exploring movements and transforming them into dance and physical expression. Playful exercises encourage participants to open up and enjoy their individual and personal way of moving together. Clear and simple instructions on movement qualities also draw inspiration from everyday life. Michal Hirsch is a dancer, choreographer, and teacher of contemporary dance, improvisation, and composition. She describes her artistic work as an ongoing dialogue with herself and others in the studio, on stage, and in life.

Price info Register

70 € / red. 60 €
Early Bird (by 31.03.): 60 € / red. 50 €
