
Tanzmobile : a led improvisation

Discover local dance makers | with Rodolfo Piazza Pfitscher da Silva  

Sold out | 04 Oct 2024 | Brandenburg Dance InitiativeDance and movement

Rodolfo Piazza leads through a continuous improvisation inspired by influences from different dance styles. Starting with mobilising and strengthening all parts of the body, balance is challenged while mindfully refining an awareness of the connections between the parts of the body. This class offers an intense connection with one's own body, activating the whole body. As the class progresses, the focus is placed on movement qualities such as muscle tone, speed, isolation and dynamics. The approach in this class is based on covering as many somatic states as possible and allowing participants to explore their individual movement possibilities. The aim is to feel yourself fully and have fun with your own body.

The class is suitable for people with or without dance experience and invites you to discover the variety of dance styles and develop a deeper connection to your own body.

Rodolfo Piazza Pfitscher da Silva is based in Werder an der Havel. He was born 1987 in São Paulo, Brazil, into a dancers family. At the age of 9 he moved to Germany where he soon started to do improvisation theatre. He has been working since 2011 as a freelance dance artist for various choreographers, directors and companies all over Germany and Europe (Irina Pauls, Constanza Macras, Hartmannmueller ...).  Rodolfo works since 2017 on his own creations and also on collaborations with Victoria McConnell and Ruth Kemna amongs others. 


Price info

15 € / red. 11€



The workshop takes place in the frame of »Tanzinitiative Brandenburg« TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund, a project of the fabrik Potsdam in cooperation with the Tanzwerkstatt Cottbus and actors of the Brandenburg dance scene, supported by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg, the State Capital Potsdam and the City of Cottbus.