Laura Heinecke, Gareth Clark and Carla Wierer welcome you to share in conversations. These will kick-off research on the working theme of their current project, Feierlichkeiten zur Beerdigung des Kapitalismus, in which the artists will explore key concepts around the rise of capitalism as an economic theory and the possible link to the destruction of the natural environment. Through shared experiences and some prodding, these table talks will allow them to collect stories and anecdotes while openly discussing the current state of the world and our role in its future. The artists will create a safe space and an open and warm atmosphere to share our fears and hopes together. The evening is free of charge (registration required). Drinks and snacks will be provided.
Feierlichkeiten zur Beerdigung des Kapitalismus
Laura Heinecke (D), Carla Wierer (D) & Gareth Clark (WAL)
Price info Ticket
The evening is free of charge (registration via ticket booking required). Drinks and snacks will be provided.
Artists: Laura Heinecke, Carla Wierer, Gareth Clark
Duration: 90 Minuten