Dance is vibration. Life is vibration. Every cell vibrates with its own specific rhythm.


The world is vibration | Laura Heinecke & Company (Potsdam)  

10 – 12 Nov 2022Dance / performance

Sounds, colours, touch. The world is vibration. We can hear it, see it, feel it. It can hurt, it can please, it can be enjoyable. "What do vibrations do to us?", asks Laura Heinecke. Last year she conducted research with scientists and body practitioners in the studio for weeks. They experimented on a visual, acoustic, and somatic level with wavelengths, pitches, vibrations, intensities, and rhythm. Laura Heinecke's new piece HERTZ takes the audience on a journey of discovery into the land of vibrations. Dance is vibration. Life is vibration. Every cell vibrates with its own specific rhythm. What would change if we related more to our own vibrations? If we were to resonate? What resonance space opens up for us?

Afterward on Nov 11: talk with the artists


Price info Ticket

Price group D: 16 € / red. 8 €
Evening box office: + 1 €
Tanzherbst-Abo: 28 € / Three performances




Artistic direction, choreography: Laura Heinecke
Dance, Choreography: Aura Antikainen, Dagmar Ottmann, Sarantoula Sarantaki
Dramaturgy: Jo Koppe
Stage: Clemens Kowalski
Light, Music: Ralf Grüneberg
Costume design: Angharad Matthews
Sound technology: Conrad Katzer
Production, public relations: Frauke Niemann
Photos: Jennifer Rohrbacher
Supported by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur des Landes Brandenburg and der Landeshauptstadt Potsdam
With the kind support of E-Werk Freiburg im Breisgau and fabrik Potsdam as part of the programme Artist in Residence
Duration: approx. 60 minutes