Two performers and a musician transform the visual street art into movements...

This Wall Has No Title (12+)

3G | Pop up | Martina La Ragione  

22 Mar 2022 | Festival explore dance #3Young dance

Martina La Ragione's Pop Up works with the multi-layered meanings of a wall: the wall as a support point, as a surface, as a creative matrix and reflection surface. Two performers and a musician transform the visual street art into movements - exploratory, oscillating, playful. The piece questions the theme of identity and invites the audience to come closer and lose themselves in the boundaries and spaces in between. Camera images taken by young people are projected, creating new images and superimpositions. Martina La Ragione's choreography shines a spotlight on the freedom of thought and is, as street artist Banksy says, a way to "climb over that wall".

Pop Up in Schools (closed event): Wed 23.03.2022


Price info Ticket

Advance booking: 8 € / red. 4 € / tanzcard 6 €
Evening box office: 9 € / red. 4 € / tanzcard 7 €


Admission is only possible in compliance with the applicable distance and hygiene rules and by applying the 3G regulation. Please note the mask obligation with FFP2 mask during the entire event. Due to the control of the G-status, we ask you to be on site early, preferably 30 minutes before the start of the event.



Idea and concept: Martina La Ragione, Valentina Buldrini
Choreography and dance: Martina La Ragione, Andrea Rampazzo
Live music: Maurizio Curcio
Artistic production management: Angelika Endres
Outside eye: Nico Grüninger
Writing Design Projections: Nicolo' Melotti
Picture Ericailcane from: Potente di fuoco Press photos: Mehmet Vanli
In cooperation with h(abita)t - rete di spazi per la danza / Sementerie Artistiche, Italy
Photos: Mehmet Vanli
Duration: approx. 30 minutes