Gradually coincidence and unpredictability take over, accidents multiply...

What Will Come

Julia B. Laperrière & Sébastien Provencher (Montréal/Berlin)  

17 – 18 Jan 2020 | Made in Potsdam 2020Dance / performance

In an aseptic world, two bodies are born from cubes: flesh meets edges, warmth meets cold, mobility meets static. Carefully and awkwardly they discover their new environment – a universe that surpasses them, but whose laws they try to understand, whereas it is already deconstructing. Gradually coincidence and unpredictability take over, accidents multiply and the two protagonists fight to keep their world under control. What Will Come questions the human obsession of categorization, juxtaposed with the world’s natural tendency to move towards chaos. How are categories, order and compartmentalization reflected in our bodies and in our environment? Julia B. Laperrière and Sébastien Provencher are explorers of the absurd, of the power of decomposition and of new emergence.



Price info Ticket

Single ticket: Price goup E
Advance booking: 13 € / tanzcard, ViP-Abo 10 € / red. 6 €
Evening box office: + 1 €

Day ticket: Price group D
Evening box office: 17 € / tanzcard, ViP-Abo 13 € / red. 8 €
Advance booking: + 1 €

Festival pass
30 € / tanzcard, ViP-Abo 25 € / red. 15 €

Advance booking starts on Nov 29, 2019



Production: Julia B. Laperrière & Sébastien Provencher
Creation and performance: Julia B. Laperrière & Sébastien Provencher
Sound: Deepneue - Braulio Bandeira
Stage design: Hannah Dougherty
Dramaturgy: Lynda Rahal
Outside eye: Christine Charles
Light design: Nicola Dubois
Costumes: Tricia Crivellaro
Production assistant (DE): Micaela Kühn Jara & Lorganism
Communications : Clotilde Dyotte-Gabelier
Video: Jean-Philippe Sansfaçons
With the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, The Montreal Art Council, the Conseil des Arts et Lettres du Québec and LOJIQ. In partnership with fabrik Potsdam, Théâtre de la Ville de Longueuil, La Serre-Arts Vivants and Lake Studios Berlin.
The performance in Potsdam is supported by the representation of the government of Québec.
Duration: about 50 minutes