
Dance in Public Spaces

Studierende des MA Choregraphie zu Gast  

17 – 26 May 2019 | Potsdamer Tanztage 2019Dance / performance

How does the individual behave in a world that is becoming increasingly abstract and detached from social contexts? How does the body react to monotony and unification of all sensual approaches to the everyday? The students of the Master's programme in Choreography explore the urban landscape of Potsdam: they combine choreography and architecture, individual and object, and explore the urban texture with bodies and sounds. In the course of the festival, six choreographic approaches can be discovered that are placed in the context of these questions.


PerForma - work in progress
Fri 17 May, 19:00
Choreography: Dina Sennhauser
Location: Wash house boiler house

Limits, turning points, consequences, commitment. All a question of perspective. A game between individuality and connectedness, based on the elements body, sound and light. The human body is here individual and structure. It has subjective as well as physical possibilities of movement and action through which it comes into contact with its surroundings. In collaboration with the performing artist Josephine Auffray and the architect and sound designer Brad Nath, we investigate various consequences of the interplay of two individuals in a performative framework.

Performers: Josephine Auffray, Brad Nath
Dramaturgy: Leonie Adam
Music/Sound: Brad Nath


Form für die Fremde
May 21st, 7:15. May 26th, 3:15.
Choreography: Jasminka Stenz
Location: Meeting point at fabrik Café

and nothing stays the way it is - just you.

The play invites us to meet the stranger, to rub ourselves against something so that we experience ourselves.

Performers: Alexander Lieberman, Antonio Savoia, Jade Albasini, Kira Senkpiel, Maud Buckenmeyer
Music/Sound: Wizard Ashdod
Scenography: Anne-Laure Julia de la Fuente
Costume: Hagar Ophir


Come rain, come shine
Sat 25 May, 18:30
Choreography: Kaisa Nieminen
Location: T-Werk rehearsal stage

I rise and shine / Climb and dive / like there ain't no tomorrow / ain't no tomorrow / Drive in, dive in, fine dining / Trashed are hidden and found / Soil so hard, dig deeper. I'm drowned / Water around and inside, slow down / All that glitters, still dies.

To take back the forces of our body. Transformation through movement, voice, text and imagination. We create an emotional landscape, a choreographic concert, a dramatic, physical fantasy. Inspired by feminist poetry, rap and the witch Louhi from Finnish mythology.

Performers: Suvi Kemppainen, Kaisa Nieminen, Vanessa Virta
Music/Sound: Victor Tricard


Leib bei mir 2.0
Thu 23 May and Fri 24 May, 16:00
Choreography: Katrina Elizabeth Bastian
Location: Potsdam Central Station, Track 6

When a tree falls in the woods and no one's there to hear it, does it make a noise? If a performance happens and nobody sees it, is it still a performance? In Leib bei mir 2.0 we remove the performative body from its traditional context and place it in public space to explore the dynamics of watching and performing. Through subtle and extreme moments in public space we try to provoke attention towards the living body.

Performer: Michelle Gerber, Katrina Elizabeth Bastian


Oscillate - work in progress
Wed 22 May, 22:00
Choreography: Maria Rutanen
Location: T-Werk rehearsal stage

A trembling room in which melancholic and enthusiastic thoughts, monotonous raves, expansion of sound and contraction of muscles - voluntary or involuntary - oscillate like breath. The pulse beats in all of us, simultaneously, in different rhythms. We shake with fear or bliss. The friction of the movement rounds corners and edges or causes explosions. Oscillate is a quiet, melodic piece of fluctuating human spirit in which bliss and melancholy overlap. It examines how the movement of contraction and expansion takes place in the individual, in the masses and in nature, where noise and silence, abundance and emptiness arise.

Performers: Adaya Berkovich, Eli Cohen, Maria Gorbunova, Olivia McGregor
Music: Robin Hayward


I love you teddy much
Fri 17 May and Sat 18 May, 17:00
Choreography: Niels Weijer
Place: Place of the unit

A human and a teddy bear are looking for each other. They move to find similarities, comfort, maybe even love. Deep down they do not differ so much, they are both a constellation of matter. Boundaries between object and subject dissolve and slowly become one through movement.

Performer: Niels Weijer



Price info

Entrance free



A collaboration between fabrik Potsdam and maChoreographie at HZT Berlin.
The HZT Berlin is supported by the Berlin University of the Arts and the Hochschule für Schauspielkunst "Ernst Busch" in cooperation with the Netzwerk TanzRaum Berlin.
With the support of fabrik Potsdam.
Technical direction: Elisabeth Enke
Production Management: Tammo Walter
maC-Team: Wanda Golonka, Ingo Reulecke, Susanne Vincenz