Running Piece is a work for dancer and treadmill. On this confined yet infinite space, a man travels without leaving, moving through the situations and moments that define us. On the path of humanity and civilisation, or on the transit to work, we are the high hope joggers, the overly capable multitaskers, the compulsive lateness sufferers. Running Piece substantiates our proneness to constantly chase our tails and our pursuit for the divine sublimity of busyness.
Running Piece
Dancing future – 100 Jahre Bauhaus | Jacques Poulin-Denis / Grand Poney (Montréal)
Price info
Advance booking: 16 € / 7 € / tanzcard, ViP-Abo 12 €
Evening box office: 17 € / 7 € / tanzcard, ViP-Abo 13 €
Direction: Jacques Poulin-Denis
Runner: Fabien Piché
Choreography: Jacques Poulin-Denis with Manuel Roque
Original music: Jacques Poulin-Denis
Dramaturgy: Gabriel Charlebois Plante
Costumes: Marilène Bastien
Electronics: Samuel Saint Aubin
Video: Joel Morin Ben Abdallah
Assistant: Sophie Corriveau
Light design: Erwann Bernard
Technical direction: Liam Lett
Photo: Dominique Skoltz
A produciton by Grand Poney (Montréal)
Co-production by Agora de la danse (Montréal)
With friendly support by Canada Arts Council, Conseil des arts et lettres du Québec, Conseil des arts de Montréal and Circuit Est
Residencies: CCOV, Circuit Est, Recto Verso, Danse Danse, Arsenal, Musée d’Art de Joliette, Théâtre Hector Charland, Agora de la danse
Duration: about 60 minutes
An event by fabrik moves gUG in cooperation with fabrik Potsdam / Potsdamer Tanztage 2019. Funded by the Bauhaus heute Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation within the framework of 100 years Bauhaus, the state capital Potsdam and the state of Brandenburg.
With friendly support of the Mittelbrandenburgische Sparkasse.