“Maren Strack’s surrealist performances live above all through her joy of experimentation, her laconicism and her humour.” (Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten, 15.12.2024)


Scenes from the world in between | Maren Strack (Birkenwerder)  

13 Dec – 22 Mar 2025Dance / performance

Waiting is a fundamental human experience. For Maren Strack, it becomes the starting point for sensuous and poetic worlds. Seated on a train station bench, she creates a scene out of everyday objects, filled with surprises, humour, and tender details. A rolling suitcase transforms into a costume, a clock runs backwards, and zips turn into musical instruments. Here, waiting becomes an immersive experience. Maren Strack conjures a liminal space that can only emerge in these special moments of pause and daydreaming. Stillness sharpens the sense of hearing, and she translates this state into delicate soundscapes – until the indistinct nature of waiting erupts into frantic, almost explosive choreographic outbursts. With a fine sensitivity, Maren Strack explores the acoustic potential of her surroundings, inviting the audience into a surreal ode to the wonder of the everyday. 


WAITING is a fundamental human experience. For Maren Strack, it becomes the spark for poetic worlds. On a train station bench, she transforms everyday objects: a suitcase becomes a costume, a clock runs backwards, zips turn into instruments. Stillness inspires delicate soundscapes, while sudden bursts of movement create surreal, playful explorations of the everyday.


Price info Ticket

Advance sale: 16 € / red. 8 €
Evening box office: 17 € / red. 8 €
3xTanz-Abo: 28 € / Three performances



Performance: Maren Strack
Künstlerische Leitung: Johan Lorbeer
Tonregie, Komposition: Kerstin Lücker
Bühnenbild: Peter Friedrich
Co-Kostüm: Molly Raak
Lichtkonzept: Fabian Bleisch
Produktionsdramaturgie: Mario Stumpfe
Fotografie: Uwe Arens
Unterstützt durch das Ministerium für Wissenschaft Forschung und Kultur des Landes Brandenburg
Internet: www.maren-strack.de
Dauer: 50 Minuten