In two pieces, young people from Potsdam and Cottbus explore the topic of the individual body, ideals of beauty, expectations, individuality and insecurity. In (don't) look!, the JugendTanzCompany focuses on hidden looks, veiled behind invisible masks. How can we learn to feel that we are enough in a world that constantly expects us to be more? And what does it mean to be enough when the spotlight fades and the masks we wear crumble? In schön...?, the young people from TanzWERKSTATT Cottbus ask themselves how they can face with an open mind the images of constant advertising that surround them and present a certain ideal of beauty.
Junge Stücke (8+)
JugendTanzCompany fabrik Potsdam / TanzWERKSTATT Cottbus
Price info Ticket
Price group F
Advance sale: 10 € / red. 5 €
Evening box office: 11 € / red. 5 €
(don't) look!
Choreography: Giulia Del Balzi in collaboration with the dancers
Dance: Emilia Engel, Sophie Fallis, Charlotte Hartmann, Karolina Krone, Norah Pfau, Elodie Rehnus, Luna Rehnus, Cosima Ruppert, Ella Ruppert, Milan Schuster, Thea Wächter, Marjam Zenichowski, Jette Zierke
Music: Unveiled - Hildur Guðnadóttir, Skuli Sverrisson, Guðni Franzson; Into Warmer Air - Hildur Guðnadóttir, Jóhann Jóhannsson, Skuli Sverrisson; Overcast - Hildur Guðnadóttir, Jóhann Jóhannsson; Erupting Light - Hildur Guðnadóttir, Jóhann Jóhannsson; Leave Me - Josch Siewert
Lighting: Josch Siewert
Sound: Ricardo Block
Photos: Jonas Zeidler
Duration: 30 minutes
Choreography: Golde Grunske in collaboration with the dancers
Dance: Jasmin Buder, Caity Eulitzer, Adriana Friedow, Els Gerwin, Eva Gümbel, Alma Hornisch
Light: Jan Helling
Photos: Ralf Schuster
Duration: 20 minutes