

Open Studio / Work in progress | Sahar Damoni (Shafa-Amer)  

27 Jan 2024 | Made in Potsdam 2024Dance / performance

Sahar Damoni's new multidisciplinary performance/stage installation Nawa continues her research on reproductive and sexual freedom, bodily autonomy and the effects of abortion on Arab women. The work wanders through nebulous sounds and sensations in the depths of the subconscious and asks: Does the body remember? Is the body ever really free? In an open studio, Sahar Damoni shows the first results of her residency at fabrik Potsdam.

Followed by an audience discussion

Sahar Damoni is artist in residence at the fabrik Potsdam from 21 Jan to 03 Feb 2024.


Rail strike? No problem! All ODEG trains (RE1) are running as scheduled.

How to travel between Berlin and Potsdam:

To Potsdam: RE1 to Potsdam 3 times an hour e.g.:
17:34 Berlin Alex 17:46 Berlin Zoo 18:05 Potsdam Hbf
17:54 Berlin Alex 18:08 Berlin Zoo 18:31 Potsdam Hbf
18:16 Berlin Alex 18:30 Berlin Zoo 18:51 Potsdam Hbf

To Berlin: RE1 1/2 times hourly e.g:
from Potsdam Hbf 21:31, 21:50, 22:30, 23:30

In Berlin and Potsdam, the underground, trams and buses run without restrictions.


Price info

Admission free of charge. Due to limited capacity, please register at the following address: contact@fabrikpotsdam.de
