
Contemporary for teens (15+)

Dynamics and Flow | with Kostis Spyrou  

TUE 18:00 - 19:30 | Kids and young dancers

Accompanied by appropriate soundtracks, the course opens the door to the basics of contemporary dance. The tempo increases as the course progresses. We experiment with gravity and ground contact - and practise conscious holding and letting go. In order to be able to perform flowing movements, the exercises are based on rolling, balancing, technical falling and jumping out of and into the floor. The course includes small choreographies, improvisations and acrobatic elements.

Price info

Course ticket 1 (1 course / week): 46 € / red. 40 € / up to 19 yrs 34 € monthly
Course card 2
(2 courses / week): 69 € / red. 57 € / up to 19 yrs 46 € monthly
Course card 3+
(as many courses as you like): 80 € / red. 69 € / up to 19 yrs 57 € monthly
10 course card
(4 months, all courses): 149 € / red. 129 € / up to 19 yrs. 99 €
Tryout session:
7 €
Registration at Studiohaus. Download registration form.
